Қазақша Русский English


Yessen Yklasovich Bidaibekov was born on 2 October, 1945 in the village Akkum of Ta-las district of Zhambyl region.


Left secondary school of Karatau of Zhambyl region.


Graduated from mechanics and mathematics faculty of Kazakh state university (KazSU) named after S.M. Kirov.


Entered a postgraduate study on «Differential and integral equations» specialty of computing mathematics chair of KazSU named after S.M. Kirov and was  sent to Computing centre of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS).


Graduated a postgraduate study with a separation from manufacture on «Differential and integral equations» specialty.


Defended a thesis on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of physics and mathematics sciences on a theme «About uniqueness of inverse problems solution for some quasi-linear equations of hyperbolic type» on 01.01.02 - differential and integral equations specialty.


Was confirmed in academic status of associate professor of the applied analysis chair of mechanics and applied mathematics faculty of KazSU named after S.M. Kirov.


Was awarded an academic status of professor of Almaty state university (ASU) named after Abai.


Was elected as an actual member (academician) of the Russian academy of informatization of education.


Defended a thesis on competition of a scientific degree of doctor of pedagogical sciences on a theme «The development of methodical system of training to computer science of experts of the structures combined with computer science at universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan» on 13.00.02 - theory and methodology of teaching computer science specialty.


Was confirmed by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) of the Russian Federation in an academic status of professor on «mathematics» specialty.


Was elected as an actual member of the International academy of informatization of education.


An engineer, mathematician - programmer of the laboratory of computing machines of Kazakh state university named after S.M. Kirov.


A senior lecturer of mathematical provision of IBM chair of KazSU named after S.M. Kirov.


An associate professor of applied analysis chair of mechanics and applied mathematics faculty of KazSU named after S.M. Kirov. 


A senior scientific employee of KazSU named after S.M. Kirov (Alma-Ata) and CC SB AS of the USSR (Novosibirsk) for the work on doctoral thesis.


An executive of duties of the head of computing mathematics and differential equations chair of KazPI named after Abai.


A head of computing mathematics and differential equations chair of KazPI named after Abai.


A head of computer science and information technologies chair of KazSPU named after Abai.


A head of computer science and applied mathematics of KazNPU named after Abai.


A head of computer science, mathematics, informatization of education of the Institute of magistracy and PhD doctorate of KazNPU named after Abai. 

Since 2014

A head of computer science and informatization of education of Mathematics, physics and informatics institute of KazNPU named after Abai.


Was awarded a silver medal «For excellent achievements in study, work and for good behavior» by Karatau boarding school of Karatau city of Zhambyl region


Was awarded the breastplate of excellence of mechanics and mathematics faculty of KazSU named after S.M. Kirov


A winner of socialist competition


Was awarded «Excellence in education area of the RK»


Was awarded Honour diploma of the Ministry of education, culture and healthcare of the RK


Was awarded Honour diploma of ASU named after Abai in honour of 11th anniversary of the Independence of the RK


Was awarded the breastplate «The honorable education worker of the RK» of the Ministry of education and science of the RK


Was awarded the status «The best lecturer of the higher education institution» of the year


Was awarded the medal «For the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan»


Was awarded the diploma dedicated to the 80th anniversary of KazNPU named after Abai


Was awarded the status «The best lecturer of higher education institution» of the year


Was awarded the medal named after A.Baitursynov «The best author» for work in writing new textbooks which meet modern standards of education by the Association of HEIs of the RK


Was awarded the medal for a huge contribution to computer science and education by European scientific-industrial chamber


Was awarded the diploma for an active participation in the I International scientific conference «Intellectual Information and Communication Technologies as a Tool for Realization of the third Industrial Revolution within the framework of the Kazakhstan-2050 Strategy»


Was awarded the breastplate for an active participation in the IX International ISAAC Congress (Krakow, Poland)


Was awarded «Gold medal for exceptional «Achievements»» (Brussels, Belgium)


Was awarded the medal «Ayryksha yenbegi ushin» KazNPU named after Abai


Награжден медалю «Қорқыт Ата атындағы Алтын медаль». Кызылординский государственный университет имени Коркыт Ата


Награжден юбилейной медалью «Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университетіне 80 жыл» за вклад в развитие университета.


Награжден орденом «Құрмет»


Was awarded the medal «Üzdik ustaz» Abai KazNPU


Was awarded the medal «Axmet Yassawïdiñ 850 jıldığı», UNESCO


Was awarded with the jubilee medal «Abay atyndagy Kazakh ulttyk pedagogical university 90 zhyl» for his contribution to the development of the university.


Was elected as a member of scientific-methodical council (SMC) on computing mathematics and programming of the Ministry of public education of the USSR


Was elected as a member of SMC on computer science and computing machine of the Ministry of public education of the USSR


Was elected as an actual member (academician) of the Russian academy of informatization of education


A member of an editorial board of the republican scientific-methodical and pedagogical journal «Computer science. Physics. Mathematics» in Kazakh


A member of the specialized Council C 14.15.03 at ASU named after Abai on defense of candidate thesis (on methodology of teaching of natural disciplines)

Since 2000

A member of an editorial board of the journal «Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abai», a series of physics and mathematics


A member of the expert council in mathematics and computer science HAC of the RK


A chairman of the dissertational council C 14.65.02 at KazNPU named after Abai on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of pedagogical sciences on 13.00.02 – theory and methodology of teaching and education (computer science) specialty

Since 2003

A member of an editorial board of the journal «Bulletin of MCPU», a series of «computer science and informatization of education» (Moscow)


A chairman of the dissertational council D 14.65.02 at KazNPU named after Abai on competition of a scientific degree of the doctor of pedagogical sciences on 13.00.02 – theory and methodology of teaching and education (computer science) specialty



Scientific secretary of the joint dissertation council JD 14.65.02 at National academy of education named after Y.Altynsarin

Since 2009

A member of editorial board of scientific-methodical journal «Pedagogics and psychology» (Almaty)



A member of the dissertational council 6D010000-education (natural sciences) on defense of thesis for award of a scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Since 2018

A chairman of the dissertational council on defense of thesis for award of a degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in 6D011100-Computer Science, 6D060200-Coomputer Science spcialties.


XI scientific conference dedicated to the memory of V.I. Lenin (Novosibirsk)


Report: «Ob obratnoy zadache kvazilineynogo uravneniya giperbolicheskogo tipa»


XI Mendeleev congress on general and applied chemistry (Novosibirsk)


Report: «Raschet poristoy struktury adsorbentov na EVM»


VI Kazakhstan interuniversity conference on mathematics and mechanics (Alma-Ata)


Reports: «Ob ​​obratnoy zadache dlya lineynogo differentsial'nogo uravneniya 2-go poryadka», «Ob odnom chislennom reshenii obratnoy zadachi»


All-Union conference on asymptotic methods in the theory of singularly - perturbed equations (Alma-Ata)


Reports: «Ob obratnykh zadachakh dlya sistem obratnykh differentsial'nykh uravneniy», «O yedinstvennosti resheniya obratnykh zadach v klasse analiticheskikh funktsiy»


IX educational-methodical conference (Alma-Ata)


Report: «Metodika prepodavaniya chislennykh metodov resheniya integral'nykh uravneniy kursa: metody vychisleniy na 4 kurse FMPM spetsial'nosti (prikladnaya matematika)»


VII Kazakhstan scientific conference on mathematics and mechanics (Karaganda)


Report: «Chislennoye resheniye nekotorykh obratnykh zadach s pomoshch'yu raznostnykh skhem»


All-Union conference «Mathematical modeling in geophysics» (Novosibirsk)


Report: «O diffuzionnom priblizhenii pri fiksirovannoy chastote»


All-Union school-seminar (Krasnoyarsk)


Report: «Obratnyye zadachi MTZ v sluchaye kusochno-gladkoy anizotropnoy sredy»


IX Republican interuniversity conference on mathematics and mechanics (Alma-Ata)


Report: «O postanovke obratnykh zadach MTZ v obshchem sluchaye»


IX Republican interuniversity conference on mathematics and mechanics (Alma-Ata)


Reports: «O metodike obucheniya yazyka programmirovaniya», «O nekotorykh problemakh komp'yuterizatsii natsional'nykh shkol», «K voprosu standartizatsii bukv kazakhskogo yazyka na PEVM»


All-Union seminar-meeting, 25-26 May (Gulistan)


Report: «O standartizatsii bukv kazakhskogo yazyka na PEVM»


All-Union conference «Computers in schools and pedagogical universities» (Novosibirsk)


Report: «O soderzhanii i roli kursa «Chislennyye metody v pedvuze»


VIII Republican scientific-practical conference, 23-24 May (Omsk)


Report: «Vychislitel'nyy eksperiment i matematicheskoye modelirovaniye v prilozheniya shkol'noy informatiki»


IX Republican scientific-practical conference, 19-21 May (Omsk)


Report: «Ob eksperimental'nom uchebnom plane po spetsial'nosti Informatika s kvalifikatsiyey prepodavatel' informatiki i menedzher po komp'yuterizatsii»


All-Union conference «Conditionally well-posed problems of mathematical physics and analysis» dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the academician M.N. Lavrentyev, 1-5 June (Novosibirsk)


Report: «Obratnyye zadachi MTZ dlya naklonno padayushchikh voln»


All-Union conference «Conditionally well-posed problems of mathematical physics and analysis», 2-6 October (Alma-Ata)


Report: «O nekotorykh postanovkakh obratnykh zadach MTZ»


XXIII  scientific-practical conference of teaching staff (Almaty)


Report: «Rol' i zadacha komp'yuternykh igr v obuchenii»


X Republican scientific-practical conference, 17-20 May (Omsk)


Report: «Personal'nyy komp'yuter kak element sistemy obucheniya rodnomu i kazakhskomu yazykam v shkolakh Kazakhstana»


International scientific-practical conference, 9-16 June (Almaty)


Report: «Rynok i informatizatsiya pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya»


Conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Amanov T.I., 28-30 September (Almaty)


Report: «O reshenii odnomernoy obratnoy zadachi MTZ metodom sopryazhennykh gradiyentov


Interuniversity scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of professor Nauryzbayev K.Zh. (Almaty)


Reports: «Matematicheskoye modelirovaniye i vychislitel'nyy eksperiment - neobkhodimyy komponent soderzhaniya obucheniya», «Matematicheskoye obrazovaniye v bakalavriate dlya inzhenerno-tekhnicheskikh i yestestvenno-nauchnykh napravleniy»


International scientific-methodical conference (Novosibirsk)


Report: «Mnogourovnevoye obrazovaniye po informatike v usloviyakh rynka»


International conference: Education standards and personality development (Omsk)


Report: «Mnogourovnevaya podgotovka spetsialistov na osnove matematiko-informatsionnykh tekhnologiy»


Educational-methodical seminar devoted to the 50th anniversary of professor Bidaibekov Y.Y. (Almaty)


Reports: «Obratnyye zadachi MTZ v diffuzionnom priblizhenii pri fiksirovannoy chastote v sluchaye kusochno - gladkoy trekhsloynoy sredy», «Osobennosti pedagogicheskoy deyatel'nosti vuzovskogo prepodavatelya v usloviyakh komp'yuternykh tekhnologiy obucheniya»


International conference on Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 10-13 September (Moscow)


Report: «About inverse problems of magnetotelluric sounding in general case»


I Congress of Kazakhstan mathematicians (Shymkent)


Report: «Dinamicheskaya model' optimal'nogo razvitiya mnogootraslevoy ekonomiki»


International conference «Mathematical modeling in natural sciences» dedicated to the 75th anniversary of academician A.T. Lukyanov, 17-19 April (Almaty)


Reports: «Avtomaticheskiy raschet uchebnoy nagruzki», «Avtomatizirovannaya informatsionnaya sistema DEKANAT - STUDENT», «Avtomatizatsiya testirovaniya», «Problema integrirovaniya kursa informatiki i gumanitarnykh distsiplin, soderzhashchikh regional'nyye osobennosti»


Republican international-methodical conference «New technologies of education and control of students’ knowledge» (Almaty)


Report: «Avtomatizirovannaya sistema «Raschet chasov»


International conference «On new trends in science education» (Turkey, Istanbul)


Report: «O problemakh informatizatsii obrazovaniya v Respublike Kazakhstan»


II International conference, 1-6 October (Moscow)


Report: «Metodicheskaya sistema podgotovki spetsialistov po informatike v universitetakh Respubliki Kazakhstan»


VII International conference - exhibition «Informatization of continuous education», 3-6 November


Report: «Kurs informatsionnogo modelirovaniya dlya studentov, spetsializiruyushchikhsya v oblasti informatiki»


International scientific-methodical conference «Mathematical modeling and information technologies in education and science» dedicated to the70th anniversary of ASU named after Abai (Almaty)


Reports: «O chislennom metode resheniya odnoy obratnoy zadachi», «Spetskurs po metodike prepodavaniya informatiki v nachal'nom obrazovanii», «Mirovozzrencheskiy aspekt obucheniya informatike»


International Conference «Higher school of Kazakhstan at the turn of the century. History, problems and prospects» (Almaty)


Report: «K voprosu podgotovki spetsialistov po informatike sovmeshchennogo profilya v vuzakh»


II Kazakhstan-Russia International scientific-practical conference «Mathematical modeling scientific-technological problems in oil and gas production industry» (Almaty)


Report: «O sostoyanii bazovogo kursa informatiki v obshcheobrazovatel'nykh shkolakh RK»


Mathematical international conference «Inverse problems of mathematical physics» (Novosibirsk)


Report: «O matematicheskikh modelyakh zadach MTZ»


Republican conference «Computer education: problems and prospects» (Almaty)


Report: «O kurse programmirovaniya dlya spetsialistov sovmeshchennykh s informatikoy profiley v universitetakh»


International scientific-practical conference (Almaty)


Report: «Matematicheskiye modeli i VCH v sisteme mezhpredmetnykh svyazey»


IV general assembly of the federation of engineering institutions of Islamic countries (Almaty)


Report: «Information technologies in education»


II international scientific conference «Problems of differential equations, analysis and algebra» (Aktobe)


Reports: «O nekotorykh obratnykh zadachakh MTZ v lineynom priblizhenii», «K voprosu otsenki ustoychivosti obratnykh zadach MTZ», «O podgotovke spetsialistov po informatike», «Metodicheskaya podgotovka spetsialistov s profilem, sovmeshchennym s informatikoy»


IV Siberian congress on industrial and applied mathematics (Novosibirsk)


Report: «Ob ​​ustoychivosti resheniya obratnykh zadach MTZ»


Conference «Information technologies in education» (Moscow)


Report: «Komp'yuternoye modelirovaniye i vychislitel'nyy eksperiment v pedagogicheskikh issledovaniyakh»


VI Kazakhstan conference on solid state physics (Aktobe)


Report: «Matematicheskoye modelirovaniye i vychislitel'nyy eksperiment v issledovanii fizicheskogo obrazovaniya»


International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 1500th anniversary of Turkestan


Report: «Ob informatsionnom obespechenii integratsii pedagogicheskoy i issledovatel'skoy deyatel'nosti aspirantov»


International scientific-practical conference «Priority directions of development of the education system in the XXI century» dedicated to the 10th anniversary of Independence of the RK (Shymkent)


Reports: «Osnovy sredstv telekommunikatsiy v vuzovskom kurse informatiki», «Sozdaniye internet-servera universiteta»


XI International conference-exhibition «Information technologies in education» (Moscow)


Reports: «Intranet-tekhnologii v prepodavanii kursa «Osnovy informatiki i vychislitel'noy tekhniki», «Didakticheskiye printsipy ispol'zovaniya komp'yuternogo zadachnika na urokakh ekonomicheskoy informatiki»


II International scientific-practical conference «New information technologies in vocational education» (Almaty)


Reports: «Metodologiya matematicheskogo modelirovaniya i vychislitel'nogo eksperimenta kak sredstvo povysheniya teoreticheskoy podgotovki spetsialistov v oblasti informatiki», «O soderzhanii kursa informatiki s ispol'zovaniyem intranet-tekhnologii»


International scientific conference «Engineering sciences at the beginning of XXI century» (Almaty)


Reports: «K kursu o razvitii lokal'nykh setey v AGU im. Abaya», «O prepodavanii SUBD Access v shkol'nom kurse informatiki»


International conference «Mathematical modeling of mechanical systems and physical processes» (Almaty)


Reports: «O podgotovke spetsialistov po informatike v RK», «O soderzhanii spetsial'nogo kursa «setevyye komp'yuternyye tekhnologii»


International scientific-practical conference «Technology of higher education: XXI century – problems and prospects»


Report: «O podgotovke spetsialistov po informatike i informatizatsii obrazovaniya v RK»


International conference «Ill-Posed and inverse problems» dedicated to professor M.M. Lavrentyev on the occasion of his 70th anniversary (Novosibirsk)


Report: «Inverse problems of magnetotelluric sounding»


International scientific-practical conference «Education and science of Kazakhstan at the turn of the millennium» dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Zhetysu state university named after I.Zhansugurov


Reports: «Algoritmy vychisleniya impedansov pyatikomponentnykh voln», «Ispol'zovaniye giperteksta v obuchenii i razrabotka elektronnykh posobiy dlya izucheniya informatiki v meditsinskikh vuzakh», «Matematicheskoye modelirovaniye i vychislitel'nyy eksperiment v issledovanii uchebnogo protsessa»


II International scientific-methodical conference «MM ITES» (Almaty)


Reports: «K voprosu chislennogo resheniya obratnykh zadach», «O mul'timediynoy obuchayushchey programme po informatike na kazakhskom yazyke dlya sredney shkoly», «Sistema faktorov povysheniya kachestva obrazovatel'nykh elektronnykh izdaniy i resursov», «Informatizatsiya obrazovaniya kak element professional'noy gotovnosti pedagogov»


III International scientific conference «Problems of differential equations, analysis and algebra» (Aktobe)


Reports: «O roli i meste kursa Chislennyye metody pri podgotovke spetsialistov po informatike», «Vosstanovleniye koeffitsiyenta giperbolicheskogo uravneniya vtorogo poryadka», «K voprosu obucheniya informatsionnomu napolneniyu telekommunikatsionnykh sistem»


XIII International conference «Information technologies in education» (Moscow)


Reports: «Integratsiya podkhodov v razrabotke komp'yuternykh sredstv izmereniy rezul'tatov obucheniya shkol'noy informatike», «Vliyaniye metodicheskoy sistemy obucheniya na razrabotku i primeneniye sredstv informatizatsii v VUZe»


International scientific-practical conference «Quality of pedagogical education: problems and development prospects», 18-19 May (Almaty)


Reports: «K probleme razrabotki, monitoringa kachestva i eksperimental'noy aprobatsii komp'yuternykh UMK v pedagogicheskom obrazovanii», «Iz opyta razrabotki materialov testovogo kontrolya», «Informatsionnyy podkhod v otsenivanii kachestva znaniy»


I International scientific-practical conference «Informatization of the society», ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov (Astana)


Reports: «Informatizatsiya obrazovaniya kak nauchnaya otrasl' i napravleniye podgotovki spetsialistov», «K soderzhaniyu uchebnogo posobiya po kursu informatiki dlya VUZov»


V Almaty international scientific-practical conference «New information technologies in education», 12-13 November (Almaty)


Reports: «O profil'nom kurse zashchity informatsii v shkol'nom obrazovanii», «Okushylardy Flash MX koldanbaly bagdarlamasyna baulu adistemesi khakynda»


International scientific-practical conference «Problems and prospects of states cooperation – participants of forming united (general) educational space», 21-22 October, (Moscow)


Report: «Sovershenstvovaniye soderzhaniya obucheniya informatike na osnove deyatel'nostnoy modeli spetsialistov»


International conference-exhibition «Information technologies in education ITE - 2004» (Moscow)


Report: «Telekommunikatsionnyye tekhnologii kak predmet i sredstvo obucheniya budushchikh informtikov»


III All-Russian scientific-practical conference «Unified educational information environment: problems and ways of the development», OSU, 14-17 September (Omsk)


Report: «Informatsionnaya obrazovatel'naya sreda VUZa: razrabotka, vnedreniye, perspektivy»


All-Russian scientific-methodical conference «Informatization of education - 2004» (Yekaterinburg)


Report: «Soderzhaniye obucheniya informatike na osnove deyatel'nostnoy modeli spetsialista»


ІІІ International scientific conference «Mathematical modeling and information technologies in education and science» (Almaty)


Report: Ob elektronnom posobii «Laboratornyy praktikum po chislennym metodam»


ІІІ International scientific conference «Mathematical modeling and information technologies in education and science» (Almaty)


Report: Mashinnaya arifmetika i voprosy ustoychivosti vychislitel'nykh algoritmov


ІІІ International scientific conference «Mathematical modeling and information technologies in education and science» (Almaty)


Report: O formirovanii kompleksa trebovaniy k komp'yuternym uchebno - metodicheskim kompleksam novogo pokoleniya


International scientific conference «Actual problems of differential equations and mathematical physics», 10-11 November (Aktobe)


Report: «Chislennyye metody» v podgotovke budushchikh uchiteley informatiki


International scientific conference «Mathematical modeling and information technologies in education and science»


Report: Formirovaniye sistemy podgotovki pedagogicheskikh kadrov v oblasti informatizatsii obrazovaniya


International scientific conference «Actual problems of differential equations and mathematical physics», 10-11 November (Aktobe)


Report: Elektrondy oku kuraldaryn zhasau khakynda


International scientific-practical conference «Problems of accelerated economic, social and political modernization of Kazakhstan in the light of the tasks set by the President N.A. Nazarbayev in his Address to people of Kazakhstan», 7-8 April (Almaty)


Report: Informatizatsiya obrazovaniya kak nauchnaya otrasl' i napravleniye podgotovki spetsialistov


International scientific conference «Pedagogical measurements: condition and development prospects» (Astana)


Report: Akparattyk model'deu negizinde bakylau tapsyrmalaryn kuru adisteri


International scientific-methodical conference «Informatization of education - 2006», 16-18 January (Tula)


Report: Vychislitel'naya informatika v podgotovke uchiteley informatiki


International interuniversity conference on mathematics, mechanics, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of Eurasian national university named after L.N. Gumilyov (Astana)


Report: Vychislitel'naya informatika kak napravleniye podgotovki budushchikh uchiteley informatiki


II All-Russian scientific-practical international conference «Open education: experience, problems, prospects (Krasnoyarsk)


Report: Proyektirovaniye testov dlya proverki znaniy studentov po programmirovaniyu


International scientific conference «Modern problems of differential equations, operator theory and space technology», 20-22 September (Almaty)


Report: Vychislitel'naya informatika kak napravleniye nauki i podgotovki kadrov po informatike


International scientific conference «Modern Kazakhstan: 15 year old path of development of space activities» dedicated to the 70th anniversary of academician U.M. Sultangazin, 20-22 September (Almaty)


Report: O matematicheskikh modelyakh magnitotelluricheskogo zondirovaniya


Republican scientific-theoretical conference «Ecology, knowledge, science and society» (Kentau)


Report: Informatikany zhane matematikany okytu uderisinde koldanylatyn adisterdi salystyrmaly taldau


International scientific conference «Information technologies and telecommunications in education and science (IT&T ES’2007)», 18-25 May (Turkey)


Report: Methodical system of preparing the teachers in the field of informatizations of education


International scientific conference «Information technologies and telecommunications in education and science (IT&T ES’2007)», 18-25 May (Turkey)


Report: Metodicheskaya sistema podgotovki pedagogov v oblasti informatizatsii obrazovaniya


International scientific-practical conference «Informatization of education - 2007» (Kaluga)


Report: Vychislitel'naya informatika v fundamental'noy podgotovke uchiteley informatiki


International scientific-practical conference «Information technologies in education and science», ITE Volga - 2007 (Kazan)


Report: Kachestvo elektronnykh resursov, ispol'zuyemykh v obuchenii informatike


International scientific-practical conference «Information technologies in education and science, ITE Volga - 2007 (Kazan)


Report: Distantsionnoye obucheniye uchitelya v regional'nom tsentre povysheniya kvalifikatsii i perepodgotovki kadrov


International scientific-practical conference «Information technologies in education and science», ITE Volga - 2007 (Kazan)


Report: Vnedreniye informatsionno-obrazovatel'noy sredy v uchebnom protsesse


International scientific-practical conference «Usage of information and innovative technologies in continuous vocational education system» (Kyzylorda)


Report: Bilimdi akparattandyru zhogary oku oryndarynda mamandar dayyndaudyn bagyty retinde


International scientific-practical conference «Usage of information and innovative technologies in continuous vocational education system» (Kyzylorda)


Report: Bolashak informatika mugalimderinin akparattyk madeniyetin kalyptastyru


International scientific-practical conference «Theory and methodology of teaching physics and mathematics disciplines» (Almaty)


Report: informatikanyn negizgi ugymdary: akparat - akparattyk uderis - akparattyk zhuyye khakynda


International scientific-practical conference «Aimauytov’s tradition» (Pavlodar)


Report: Bilimdi akparattandyru khakynda


International scientific-practical conference «Aimauytov’s tradition» (Pavlodar)


Report: Informatikadan synyptan tys zhumystardy uyymdastyru kezinde okushylardyn shygarmashylyk kabiletin arttyru


International scientific-practical conference «Continuous vocational education system: development problems and future» (Kyzylorda)


Report: Zhogargy pedagogikalyk oku oryndaryndagy akparattyk bilimdilendiru ortasynyn pedagogikalyk kadrlar dayyndau үshin manyzdylygy


International scientific-practical conference «Continuous vocational education system: development problems and future» (Kyzylorda)


Report: Akparattyk model'deu kursy mazmunynyn kazhetti kuraushysy


International scientific-practical conference «Continuous vocational education system: development problems and future» (Kyzylorda)


Report: K voprosu klassifikatsii modeley


Republican scientific-practical conference «Modern approaches to the modernization of the education system» dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Sh.Sh. Shayakhmetov (Almaty)


Report: K voprosu formirovaniya metodicheskoy kompetentnosti budushchego uchitelya informatiki


Republican scientific-practical conference «Science and production» (Zhetysai)


Report: Studentterdin natizheli oylauyn damytuga baġyttalgan informatika yesepter zhүyyesin paydalanudyn adistemesi turaly


International scientific-practical conference «Scientific and technological progress and the ways of education development in Kazakhstan» dedicated to the year of Astronomy (Kyzylorda-Kiev)


Report: Zhogary oku oryndarynda informatika panin okytuda elektrondyk resurstardy koldanu adisteri


International scientific-practical conference «Formation of future specialists’ professional competence according to credit education technology: experience, problems and prospects» (Kokshetau)


Report: Mektep kursyndagy koldanbaly matematika yesepterinin manyzdylygy


International scientific-practical conference «Formation of future specialists’ professional competence according to credit education technology: experience, problems and prospects» (Kokshetau)


Report: E-portfolio kak instrument organizatsiii obrazovatel'nogo protsessa v vuze


International scientific-practical conference «Formation of future specialists’ professional competence according to credit education technology: experience, problems and prospects» (Kokshetau)


Report: Informatizatsiiya obrazovaniya (zadachi i problemy)


V International scientific conference «Problems of differential equations, analysis and algebra», Aktobe regional state university named after K.Zhubanov (Aktobe)


Report: O zadachakh i problemakh informatizatsii obrazovaniya


V International scientific conference «Problems of differential equations, analysis and algebra», Aktobe regional state university named after K.Zhubanov (Aktobe)


Report: Ispol'zovaniye sredstv informatizatsii obrazovaniya v professional'noy deyatel'nosti


International scientific-practical Internet-conference «Current problems of natural and mathematics education» (Aktobe)


Report: Panaralyk baylanys negizinde «Informatika» kursy mazmunyna madeni murany kiristiru


II scientific-theoretical conference «Altynsarin readings», Kostanay state university named after A.Baitursynov (Kostanay)


Report: Abay atyndagy Kazak ulttyk pedagogikalyk universitetinin akparattyk bilim ortasyn kalyptastyru tuzhyrymdamasy zhayly


I International scientific-practical conference «Quality improvement of teaching information technologies in HEIs: ways and possibilities », 28-29 January (Almaty)


Report: O podgotovke i perepodgotovke pedagogov k ispol'zovaniyu informatsionno - kommunikatsionnykh tekhnologiy


International scientific conference «Theoretical and applied problems of mathematics, mechanics and computer science» (Karaganda)


Report: Pedagogicheskiye i informatsionnyye tekhnologii formirovaniya metodicheskoy kompetentnosti uchiteley matematiki


International scientific conference of young scientists, students and pupils X Satpayev readings «Strategic plan 2020: Kazakhstan way to leadership» (Pavlodar)


Report: Migalimnin adistemelik kuzyrlygynyn bilim beru salasynda alatyn orny


International scientific-practical conference «Education for constant development: methodological foundations of introduction ICT in learning process as a condition of qualitative education» (Almaty)


Report: K sozdaniyu uchebnoy informatsionnoy sredy professional'noy shkoly, litseya i kolledzha v sisteme tekhnicheskogo i professional'nogo obrazovaniya


International scientific-practical conference «Education for constant development: methodological foundations of introduction ICT in learning process as a condition of qualitative education» (Almaty)


Report: Biliktilikti arttyru zhuyyesinde pedagogtyn akparattyk kommunikatsiyalyk kuzyrlygyn kalyptastyru zholdary


International scientific-practical conference «Education for constant development: methodological foundations of introduction ICT in learning process as a condition of qualitative education» (Almaty)


Report: Analiz bastamalaryn okytudyn elektrondyk tekhnologiyalyk kartalaryn kuru tekhnologiyasy


V International scientific-methodical conference «Mathematical modeling and information technologies in education and science» (Almaty)

Report: «Obratnyye zadachi diffferentsial'nykh uravneniy» v podgotovke uchiteley informatiki


V International scientific-methodical conference «Mathematical modeling and information technologies in education and science» (Almaty)


Report: Metodicheskoye osobennosti kursa «Informatsionnyye tekhnologii v inzhenernoy deyatel'nosti»


V International scientific-methodical conference «Mathematical modeling and information technologies in education and science» (Almaty)


Report: O razrabotke elektronnogo zadachnika «Neustoychivyye vychislitel'nyye algoritmy»


V International scientific-methodical conference «Mathematical modeling and information technologies in education and science» (Almaty)


Report: Bilimdi akparattandyru - gylymi-praktikalyk is-areket zhane pedagogikalyk kadrlardy dayyndau bagyty (mindetter men problemalar)


International scientific-methodical conference «Actual problems of the theory and methodology of teaching mathematics» (The Ukraine)


Report: Informatsionnyye tekhnologii - kak sredstvo formirovaniya metodicheskoy kompetentnosti budushchikh uchiteley matematiki


International scientific-practical conference «Information-communication technologies in adult education» (Almaty)


Report: Akparattyk bilim beru ortasyn kuruda koldanylatyn akparattyk- kommunikatsiyalyk tekhnologiyalar


International scientific-practical conference «Information technologies in education and science (Moscow)


Report: Elektronno-tekhnologicheskaya karta kak sredstvo tekhnologizatsii obucheniya kursu algebry i nachala analiza


International conference «Actual problems of modern mathematics, computer science and mechanics» (Almaty)


Report: Bilimdi akparattandyru zhane okytu maseleleri


International scientific-practical conference «Improvement issues of vocational-technical education in the Central Asian Republics» (Turkestan)


Report: Ispol'zovaniye innovatsionnoy tekhnologii obucheniya v professional'noy podgotovke pedagogov


II International scientific-practical conference «Quality improvement of IT education: on the way to information society» (Almaty)


Report: Bolashak informatika mugalimderine elektrondyk okytu kuraldaryn zhasau men paydalanudy okytyp-uyretu


II International scientific-practical conference «Quality improvement of IT education: on the way to information society» (Almaty)


Report: K voprosu IT-podgotovki budushchikh pedagogov


ІІ International scientific-practical conference «Information and innovation technologies: integration of science, education and business» (Almaty)


Report: Formy ispol'zovaniya informatsionnykh tekhnologiy v sisteme tekhnicheskogo i professional'nogo obrazovaniya


ІІ International scientific-practical conference «Information and innovation technologies: integration of science, education and business» (Almaty)


Report: Neizbezhnost' vnedreniya elektronnogo obucheniya i effektivnost' smeshannogo obucheniya


Republican scientific-practical conference «Innovations in teaching mathematics: development ways (Arkalyk)


Report: Bolashak informatika mugaliminin adistemelik kuzyrlylygy zhayynda


ІІ International scientific-practical conference «Information and innovation technologies: integration of science, education and business» (Almaty)


Report: Informatikadagy zhana ulttyk ataular sipaty


VI International scientific-practical conference «Modern information technologies and IT-education» (Moscow)


Report: IT-podgotovka budushchikh pedagogov v Kazakhstane


International scientific-practical conference «Innovative development of education and science: problems and prospects of training competitive specialists» (Kyzylorda)


Report: Aktual'nyye problemy i sushchestvuyushchiy opyt formirovaniya obrazovatel'nykh elektronnykh resursov


International scientific-practical conference «Innovative development of education and science: problems and prospects of training competitive specialists» (Kyzylorda)


Report: Informatizatsiya obrazovaniya i IT podgotovka budushchikh pedagogov


Republican scientific-practical conference «Development trends of Kazakhstan society: social political innovative aspects» (Kyzylorda)


Report: Informatika pani boyynsha elektrondyk resurstardy koldanuga okytushylardy kasibi dayarlau


Republican scientific-practical conference «Development trends of Kazakhstan society: social political innovative aspects» (Kyzylorda)


Report: Orta kasiptik bilim beru zhuyyesin akparattandyru - bilim beru zhuyyesin akparattandyrudyn negizi


Republican scientific-practical conference «Development trends of Kazakhstan society: social political innovative aspects» (Kyzylorda)


Report: Elektrondyk okulyktardy paydalanu adisteri men mumkindikteri


VIII Mezinarodni vedecko-prakticka conference «Moderni vymozenosti vedy – 2012» (Prague)


Report: Vnedreniye sistemy elektronnogo obucheniya v Aktyubinskom politekhnicheskom kolledzhe


International scientific-practical conference «New information technologies in education» (Yekaterinburg)


Report: O podgotovke budushchikh yuristov k ispol'zovaniyu IKT


International scientific-practical conference «New information technologies in education» (Yekaterinburg)

Report: O formirovanii informatsionnoy obrazovatel'noy sredy KazNPU imeni Abaya


International scientific-practical conference «Economics and management of knowledge: global context and realities of Kazakhstan» (Almaty)


Report: Resheniye problem kachestva elektronnykh resursov na osnove podgotovki pedagogov v oblasti informatizatsii obrazovani


ІІІ International scientific-practical conference «Informatization of the society», ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov (Astana)


Report: K podgotovke pedagogov v oblasti informatizatsii obrazovaniya


International scientific-practical conference «Problems and perspectives of science and education integration in Eurasian space (Taldykorgan)


Report: Obrazovatel'nyye mul'timedia-resursy v obuchenii


VI International scientific conference «Differential equations, analysis and algebra problems», Aktobe state university named after K.Zhubanov, 14-17 October (Aktobe)


Report: Model' obucheniya informatike, integrirovannaya s obucheniyem obshchetekhnicheskim distsiplinam na osnove smeshannogo obucheniya


International scientific-practical conference «Informatization of education: history, condition, prospects», 20-21 November (Omsk)


Report: O vnedrenii tekhnologii smeshannogo obucheniya v protsesse podgotovki magistrantov i PhD doktorantov v pedvuzakh respubliki Kazakhstan


International scientific-practical conference «Informatization of education: history, condition, prospects», 20-21 November (Omsk)


Report: Voprosy podgotovki budushchikh pedagogov v oblasti informatizatsii obrazovaniya v Kazakhstane


International scientific-practical conference «Information and telecommunication technologies: education, science and paractice», devoted to 50th anniversary of the Institute of information and telecommunication technologies at the KazNTU after Satpayev K.I., 5-6 December (Almaty)


Report: Elektrondyk okytu kuraldaryn zhasaudagy negizgi ustanymdar zhane dialogty uyymdastyrudyn manyzdylygy


International scientific conference «Differential equations and applications» dedicated to the 60th anniversary of academician K.K. Kenzhebayev, 26 January (Aktobe)


Report: Spetsializirovannyye matematicheskiye pakety kak sredstvo povysheniya effektivnosti obucheniya «chislennym metodom»


International scientific-practical conference «Traditions and innovations in modern education and upbringing: kindergarten, school, university», 12-13 February (Korjazhma)


Report: O vnedrenii innovatsionnykh tekhnologiy v sistemu podgotovki magistrantov i PhD doktorantov v pedvuze


International scientific-practical conference «Traditions and innovations in modern education and upbringing: kindergarten, school, university», 12-13 February (Korjazhma)


Report: Polikul'turnaya lichnost' v usloviyakh informatizatsii obrazovaniya


Х All-Russian scientific-practical conference «Usage of information and communication technologies in education» («ITO - Mari El - 2013») (Yoshkar-Ola)


Report: O fundamentalizatsii podgotovki pedagogov v oblasti informatiki i informatizatsii obrazovaniya


І International scientific-practical conference «Intellectual Information and Communication Technologies as a Tool for Realization of the third Industrial Revolution within the framework of the Kazakhstan-2050 Strategy» (Astana)


Report: Metodologiya matematicheskogo modelirovaniya i vychislitel'nogo eksperimenta pri informatizatsii obrazovaniya


І International scientific-practical conference «Intellectual Information and Communication Technologies as a Tool for Realization of the third Industrial Revolution within the framework of the Kazakhstan-2050 Strategy» (Astana)


Report: Informatika men bilimdi akparattandyrudyn keybir keleli maseleleri


International scientific-practical conference «Function theory, functional analysis of their application», 3-5 October (Semey)


Report: Matematika men informatika boyynsha zhogary oku oryndarynan keyin bilim beru mamandyktaryn dayyndau zhayly


International scientific-practical conference «Function theory, functional analysis of their application», 3-5 October (Semey)


Report: Bolashak informatika mugalimderin akparattykˌ modeldeuge okytu maseleleri zhayynda



International scientific-practical conference «Function theory, functional analysis of their application», 3-5 October (Semey)

Report: Sovremennoye sostoyaniye profil'nogo obucheniya v sredney shkole i osobennosti pedagogicheskoy sistemy profil'nogo obucheniya




V International scientific-practical conference «Info Strategy 2013», 30 June - 3 July (Samara)


Report: O rezul'tatakh integratsii obucheniya informatike i obshchetekhnicheskim distsiplinam v sisteme tekhnicheskogo i professional'nogo obrazovaniya v Respublike Kazakhstan


VI International scientific-methodical conference «Mathematical modeling and information technologies in education and science (MM ITES)» (Almaty)


Report: Sovremennoye sostoyaniye matematicheskogo modelirovaniya i vychislitel'nogo eksperimenta v kurse informatiki


IX International Isaac congrees, 5-9 August (Cracow, Poland)


Report: «The mathematical heritage of Al-Farabi by A.Kubesov in modern conditions of educations»


ІI International scientific-practical conference «Intellectual Information and Communication Technologies as a Tool for Realization of the third Industrial Revolution within the framework of the Kazakhstan-2050 Strategy» (Astana)


Report: K voprosu izmereniya i povysheniya urovnya mul'timediynosti tsifrovykh obrazovatel'nykh resursov


International scientific-practical conference «Informtization of education: theory and practice», 21-22 November (Omsk)


Report: O vychislitel'noy informatike v sisteme podgotovki budushchikh uchiteley informatiki


All-Russian scientific-practical conference «Information technologies in education: problems and prospects» with international participation, 27-28 March (Chelyabinsk)


Report: Fundamentalizatsiya podgotovki pedagogov v oblasti informatiki i informatizatsii obrazovaniya


All-Russian scientific-practical conference «Information technologies in education: problems and prospects» with international participation, 27-28 March (Chelyabinsk)


Report: K voprosu ispol'zovaniya informatsionnykh i kommunikatsionnykh tekhnologiy v profil'nom obuchenii matematike


International scientific-practical conference «The economy, law, culture in the era of social», 23 January (Almaty)


Report: O neobkhodimosti ispol'zovaniya sotsial'nykh setevykh uslug v shkol'nom kurse informatiki


International scientific-practical conference «The economy, law, culture in the era of social», 23 January (Almaty)


Report: K voprosu ispol'zovaniya informatsionnykh i kommunikatsionnykh tekhnologiy v profil'nom obuchenii matematike


During an experience exchange with Tamagawa university (Japan, Tokyo) on education issues a number of lectures were given to the students of the university on themes «Mathematical heritage of al-Farabi in modern education» and «Teaching mathematics and computer science in Kazakhstan».


Also, at the seminar organized by the walls of the university report on «Mathematical heritage of al-Farabi in the conditions of modern education» theme was made.


«Al-Farabi and modernity» II International Farabi forum, 7-8 April, (Almaty, KazNU named after al-Farabi)


Report: «Al-Farabidin matematikalyk muralary zamanaui bílim beru ayasynda»


International scientific conference «Actual problems of mathematics and mathematical modeling» dedicated to the 50th anniversary of founding the Institute of mathematics and mechanics AS KazSSR, 1-5 June (Almaty)  


Report: «Al-Farabidin matematikalyk muralary zamanaui bilim beru zhagdayynda»


Republican scientific-practical conference: «Actual issues of the development of modern system TVE: theory, technology, innovative practice» dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the college, 4 June (Aktobe)


Report at the plenary session: «Al-Farabidin matematikalyk muralary zamanaui bilim beru ayasynda»



VII International scientific-practical conference «Information and education: borders of communication» INFO'15, 5-8 July (Gorno-Altaisk, Altai Republic)


Report: «Obrazovatel'nyye aspekty truda al-Farabi po geometricheskim zadacham na postroyeniye»